
Dangerous Flirtation with Fascism

  A Follow-Up to Our Recent  Post on Resisting Right-Wing Attacks on Academic Freedom   by Jonathan Westover, one of our UVU colleagues Utah House Bill 261 and the Dangerous Flirtation with Fascism As an educator committed to advancing justice, equality, and truth, recent political events and legislation have given me grave concern.  Utah House Bill 261  is the latest in a string of legislation in many states across the country that dangerously flirt with  fascist tendencies  to shut down open inquiry and debate. While supporters claim the goal is to reduce controversy and promote unity, the bill's vague language and underlying assumptions threaten core academic values. Defining Fascism and Its Threats to Education Scholars generally agree fascism  is an extreme nationalist, authoritarian political ideology characterized by forcible suppression of opposition. A key fascist tactic is controlling information flow and censoring ideas that criticize or question the political status quo

Post-Tenure Review: An Alarming Case

From the Chronicle of Higher Education FroTwitter LinkedIn Show more sharing option Why U. of Florida Professors Decry ‘Chaotic’ Post-Tenure Review That Failed Nearly a Fifth of Those Evaluated By    Megan Zahneis AUGUST 19, 2024 MARK HARRIS FOR THE CHRONICLE, PHOTOS FROM ALAMY AND GETTY IMAGES The striking results from the first round of Florida’s controversial state-mandated post-tenure reviews have confirmed the fears of many faculty advocates at its flagship campus, who criticized what they saw as a rushed and unfair process and top-down evaluation criteria. In interviews with  The Chronicle,  several scholars at peer institutions faulted the metrics as narrow and inflexible. At the University of Florida, more than a quarter of faculty members who were identified for review either didn’t measure up, resigned, or retired. The process, which took place this spring, initially identified 262 tenured faculty members to undergo post-tenure review, though 226 were ultimately evaluated. Of

Resisting the Right-Wing Attack on Academic Freedom

    In 2023, the Utah Legislature considered but didn’t pass a bill to ban DEI initiatives at all public universities in the state. The 2024 Legislature, led by the senate education committee chair John Johnson, passed a rewritten DEI ban. When asked, sponsors of the bill reported that they had no data to support the ban. It passed nonetheless. Despite the major disruption of DEI work being done at their institutions, none of the Utah college or university presidents or Faculty Senates spoke out publically against the bill.   Building on his success with DEI, John Johnson sponsored a “School of General Education” bill ( S.B. 226 ) in the 2024 session. It failed. Given the DEI precedent, it might well return next year.   What is driving these attempts by legislators to take over university functions that are better left to faculty with professional expertise? A February article in the  National Review  by Stanley Kurtz, co-author of a  General Education Act that served as a model for Jo

DATA takes over the academy

New issue of Academe gets at quantification issues that plague us The winter issue of Academe takes a critical look at the “higher ed data juggernaut.” Guest-edited by Siobhan Senier, professor of women’s and gender studies at the University of New Hampshire and vice president of UNH-AAUP, this special issue considers “the headache-inducing proliferation of tools and platforms that are increasing our workloads, shrinking our workforce, abrogating our academic freedom, interfering with our pedagogy, and generally policing us and our students.” Articles examine the spread of corporate educational technology on campus, the quantification of learning, compliance-driven demands for institutional data, and the biases underlying the data that shape public perceptions of higher education.  You can make a difference on your campus by joining the AAUP and getting involved with an existing chapter or starting a new one. AAUP members have access to full-issue PDFs of Academe, can opt to rece

Begging the DEI Question

On January 19, House Republicans voted to pass HB 261, Rep Katy Hall’s diversity, equity, and inclusion bill. Their votes suggest that they did not pay attention to Andy Larsen’s thoughtful analysis of the issue (Salt Lake Tribune, January 13): “One of the most popular anti-DEI studies is full of problems.” Or perhaps they were simply more interested in the politics of the issue than in careful analysis in the service of Utah’s students.  Larsen writes that the question the bill purports to answer is what to do with the “DEI bloat in academia,” as reported by the conservative Heritage Foundation in 2021 (and in a flurry of subsequent pieces there). After pointing out serious methodological problems in the report (“it’s an insane way to draw conclusions”), Larsen concludes his analysis: “In the end, the anti-DEI folks have a problem: Their argument just isn’t that well-considered. They’re using shoddy methodology [and] they don’t address the research that led to DEI programs in the fi

Tone Deaf: "Employment Recognition Strategy"

This message today from our UVU Provost announcing a new "employee recognition strategy" reveals the ongoing sense that university administrators perceive members of the faculty as employees rather than colleages engaged in shared governance. Would they ever send a mass email to the university president, academic affairs officials, and deans referring to them as Dear Employees? Of course not. There is a clear hierarchy at work, one inimical to shared governance. And then the awards: not a single one for research or creative work. The message: we're a teaching university that brackets off all research and creative work as nice things that faculty insist on doing but that are completely isolated from teaching. To paraphrase a comment about badges from "The Treasure of the Sierra Madres": we don't need no stinking awards!

"There is Power in a Union"—New monument to Labor Organizer Joe Hill unveiled in Salt Lake City's Sugar House Park

Nearly 108 years after Joe Hill’s execution, a new historical marker about the famous labor organizer has been dedicated in Sugar House Park. An unveiling ceremony was held Saturday, hosted by the Central Utah Federation of Labor/AFL-CIO. The marker “will stand as a symbol of his enduring spirit and will serve as a reminder of the power of collective action,” its organizers say. Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 18, 2023, by Kelly Cannon Head of our AAUP/AFT Union in Utah, Brad Asay spoke at the unveiling: As Joe Hill's song asserts: "There is Power in a Union." Listen to a rendition here:,vid:laf4SPKlEVc,st:0 Proud mem