Landscapes of Power and Academic Freedom

We are pleased to announce the publication of volume 14 of the AAUP's Journal of Academic Freedom. Our call for papers, "Landscapes of Power and Academic Freedom," invited scholarly articles investigating the links between social power and the historical development and contemporary status of academic freedom. Seeking submissions that would build on volume 13’s focus on legislative interference—particularly with respect to teaching about the history of racism in the United States—we underscored the need to understand the forces intent on undermining academic freedom and the impact such attacks would have on democracy as we know it. Contributions selected for this year's volume document radical changes to the educational landscape and consider the broad implications of such changes, across this country and others. The volume’s fifteen articles explore recurring tensions between landscapes of social power rooted in principles of “power with others” through inclusion and the pursuit of the common good versus those rooted in “power over others” through authoritarian forms of coercion and exclusion. Academic freedom is essential not only to individual academics and their activities as teachers, researchers, and citizens but also to the collective enterprise of higher education as a form of “power with others.” We encourage readers to forward this email to friends and colleagues and to share links to article web pages on social media. You can access the complete volume at or click on titles in the table of contents below. Please also read the call for papers for next year's volume, "Truth-Telling versus Propaganda—Exposing the Rift." Submissions are due by March 5, 2024. —Michael Dreiling and Pedro García-Caro, Faculty Coeditors


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